TAION, Minimal Time, Comfort In Mind

Who Are We Actually?

Every time when you browse the Net to search for professional mechanical & electrical service provider, we are pretty sure that the name “TAION” will appear in your search result. But, who is TAION?

TAION Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Solutions is one of the best professional Mechanical & Electrical Facilities Management Service Provider based in Seremban. TAION was founded in 1994 and still standing tall till today! As years passed, we have diversified and currently providing a full range M&E services. We provide mechanical & electrical services nationwide, therefore, wherever you are, we will be there to assist you. Not sure the types of services we are providing? Fret not, we will be sharing in brief on the services offered in this article.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System

Need help to repair the air conditioner system? We provide an A to Z air conditioner services from installation (even for a custom build &design) to troubleshoot and repair. Therefore, if you have a leaking air conditioner or just need a preventive maintenance, just engage us!

Electrical and Switchboard

An electric switchboard is a major component in distributing electricity from one electrical source to another electrical source. You will always need a trustable service provider to handle this important device. In TAION, we specialize in electrical wiring and installation services, high voltage system up to 11KV sub-station, power distribution transformers and HT cabling. Besides that, we also take care of the power generating system for factory including acoustic treatment and electrical system infrastructure for industrial park and housing scheme.

Generator Set

Generator Set

Breakdown in your generator set? Don’t worry as TAION is always around. Besides the genset repair, we also provide stand by generator rental. The troubleshoot and repair services is included with top up petrol/diesel. To find out more, https://bit.ly/2JKIMp5.

Fire System

To Have the Fire Extinguishers Ready

People often said, prevention is better than cure. This is very true especially when it comes to fire incident. It is always good to have the preventive steps done before it is too late. At TAION, we provide fire extinguisher certificate renewal, repair & preventive maintenance for fire alarm panel, CO2 panel, Hose Reel Pump, Wet Riser Pump, Hydrant Pump, Sprinkler Pump and also smoke and fire detection system.

Power Calibration

We have a team of experienced and certified engineers with IR endorsement to perform the power calibration and we offer JBE certification renewal as well.

Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

In an industry that loses millions when you have an interruption in the power supply? Worry not with TAION, as we offer UPS rental. Besides that, we also perform on-site installation, support and troubleshooting. If you have any issue with the UPS, we also do rectification as well as replacing faulty parts.

Basically, at TAION Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Solutions, we are “One Call for Multiple Solutions”. We never fail to impress our clients at all times. Try us out and you will never regret your decision!

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